

Études scientifiques – Polenn

Études scientifiques – Polenn

Palynology of the Albian Makhtesh Qatan site, northern Negev (Israel), with descriptions of two new pollen species - ScienceDirect

New species of Asclepias (Apocynaceae), Baphia (Leguminosae), Cochlospermum (Bixaceae) and Endostemon (Lamiaceae) from the Kalahari sands of Angola and NW Zambia, with one new combination in Vangueria (Rubiaceae)

Ecological Classification in Forest Ecosystem Management: Links Between Current Practices and Future Climate Change in a Québec Case Study

Landscape evolution around the oppidum of Bibracte (Northern Massif Central, France) from the Late Iron Age to the Post-Mediaeval period - ScienceDirect

The drawings of Antoine Nicolas Duchesne for his Natural History of the Gourds - Introduction - Publications scientifiques du Muséum

Environmental changes in SW France during the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition from the pollen analysis of an eastern North Atlantic deep-sea core, Quaternary Research

Climate Change and Future Pollen Allergy in Europe, Environmental Health Perspectives

PDF) Tablets with Spores used in Absolute Pollen Analysis

Non-pollen palynomorph and palynofacies assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous of Iraq: A glimpse into palaeobiology and palaeoenvironment

Lateglacial lake-level changes at Montilier-Strandweg, lake Morat, Switzerland and their climatic significance [Les variations du niveau du lac de Morat (Montilier-Strandweg, Suisse) pendant le Tardiglaciaire et leur signification climatique] - Persée

La Place de la géomorphologie dans l'étude de la mise en valeur des deltas tropicaux

New fossil discoveries illustrate the diversity of past terrestrial ecosystems in New Caledonia

Études scientifiques – Polenn