

Tired of being alone: How social isolation impacts on our energy

Tired of being alone: How social isolation impacts on our energy

Eight hours without social contact can lead to a reduction in energy similar to eight hours without food

Loneliness Is No Joke. Here's How to Deal

Navigating the VUCA World: The Impact on Mental Health and What to Do About It

Personalities that thrive in isolation and what we can all learn from time alone

Sherry Wu explores the impact of social isolation on residents in long-term care - HPHR Journal

The mental health effects of the pandemic, 1 year on

Loneliness and Depression: Is There a Link?

What It's Like to Get Sick With the Coronavirus When You Live Alone

Loneliness Conceptual Review - What Works Wellbeing

I have no idea how to make friends' – how loneliness can affect your health, Sarah Marsh and Guardian readers

Report spotlights NJ's loneliness and isolation