

Koalas are both endangered and so plentiful they're causing problems. How'd that happen?

Koalas are both endangered and so plentiful they're causing problems. How'd  that happen?

They are a poster child for imminent extinction, at risk from deforestation, climate change and bushfires. Yet, where I live in South Australia, they are so abundant they are in danger of eating themselves out of house and home.

Why the heck do so many koalas have chlamydia?

No, koalas aren't 'functionally extinct'—yet

Koalas should be given endangered listing, environment groups say, Queensland

Koalas are both endangered and so plentiful they're causing problems. How'd that happen?

Observation Of The Koala Bear

The koala is now officially listed as endangered •

Why are Koalas Endangered? Koala Info & Resources for Kids

The Endangered Koala

Koalas - ESL Lesson Plan - Breaking News English Lesson

Are Koalas Endangered?

Road to extinction': koalas could soon be listed as endangered in swathes of eastern Australia, Animals

Why are Koalas Endangered? Koala Info & Resources for Kids

Koalas are both endangered and so plentiful they're causing problems. How'd that happen?

Why are Koalas Endangered? Koala Info & Resources for Kids