

The Arctic Ocean's deep past provides clues to its imminent future

The Arctic Ocean's deep past provides clues to its imminent future

As the Arctic Ocean warms and sea ice shrinks, will the newly exposed sea surface see a plankton population boom and a burgeoning ecosystem in the open Arctic Ocean? Not likely, say a team of Princeton scientists who have examined the history and supply rate of nitrogen, a key nutrient. Stratification of the open Arctic waters, especially in the areas fed by the Pacific Ocean via the Bering Strait, will prevent surface plankton from receiving enough nitrogen to grow abundantly.

Vital Clues About the Future of a Warming Planet - Goethe-Institut

The Arctic Ocean's deep past provides clues to its imminent future

Melting Greenland ice has changed ocean currents - GEOMAR

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The Arctic Ocean's deep past provides clues to its imminent future

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