

Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1792 (Illustration) - World

Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1792 (Illustration) - World

Napoleon Bonaparte, at the age of 23 in 1792, just after winning election to the lieutenant colonelcy of the Corsican National Guard, posthumous portrait by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux, 1835

The young Napoleon Bonaparte in 1792.

Gilles Louis Chrétien, Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, to left

Napoleon among the ruins of the Tuileries Palace, illustration by Job from Bonaparte by Montorgueil, Paris 1910.

Napoleon Bonaparte - Biography, Facts & Death

Bonaparte Collection of Photo Prints and Gifts #43

Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the Siege of the Tuileries, 10th August 1792

Equestrian portrait of Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) and the Forest of France, 1801

Image of French Revolution 1789: Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) threatened by the by Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931)

Bonaparte at the Siege of Toulon (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia

Bonaparte Collection of Licensed Images, Artwork and Photos #34

Napoleonic Wars, Summary, Combatants, & Maps

Image of Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th century (watercolour) by Marryat, Frederick (1792-1848)

Napoleon at Brienne (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia