

For world's rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

For world's rarest gorillas, camera traps prove pivotal for protection

MBE MOUNTAINS, Nigeria — Three hop-like steps and a leap, and suddenly Jacob Osang, an eco-guard with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), appears to be levitating above the rainforest floor. With nimble-footed ease, he darts across a moss-covered trunk that bridges a rock-strewn gorge like a fractured bone. But if Osang is fazed by the […]

Rare Cross River gorillas spotted on camera in Nigeria

World's rarest gorillas caught on camera

Rare Footage Reveals Gorillas' Grieving Behavior Around Their Dead

300Gorillas launches the 'million-dollar gorilla' on Earth Day - African Conservation Foundation

Rare gorillas in Nigeria captured on camera with babies

First-Ever Images of World's Rarest Gorilla with Groups of Babies > Newsroom

Small Victories Offer New Hope for Mountain Gorillas

Rare Nigerian Gorillas Spotted with Babies is Proof That They are Mating again - News18

Standing up for Congo's rare mountain gorillas

Against all odds: My encounters with mountain gorillas in Rwanda

Camera trap images reveal rare gorillas and primates in Nigeria wildlife reserve

Camera trap snap: Silverback gorilla in Cameroon

Top 10 inspiring and happy environmental stories of 2018, News, Eco-Business