

UCLA study identifies how the brain links memories

UCLA study identifies how the brain links memories

The findings suggest that a drug used to treat HIV-related memory loss could combat cognitive decline in middle-aged people.
Findings suggest HIV drug could combat middle-age memory loss

The Brain: Teaching Modules - Annenberg Learner

Alzheimer's disease study reveals new layers of complexity in how

Viewpoints: how the hippocampus contributes to memory, navigation

Researchers Aim to Restore Youthful Brain Activity in Older Adults

UCLA study identifies how brain connects memories across time

Enhancing Memory With Deep-Brain Stimulation During Sleep

Scientists identify how the brain links memories

Frontiers Cognitive Networks (Cognits) Process and Maintain

In The News – UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI)

Memory - Wikipedia

Electrostimulation Can Improve Working Memory, The Brink

In The News – UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI)

In The News – UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI)

In The News – UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI)

Where are My Keys? and Other Memory-Based Choices Probed in the