

Theresa May, les raisons d'une disgrâce

Theresa May, les raisons d'une disgrâce

May struggles to sell vision for 'British Dream' – DW – 10/04/2017

The cough, the P45, the falling F: Theresa May's speech calamity, Theresa May

Theresa May s'excuse auprès de Britanniques venus des Caraïbes

Après la démission de Theresa May, ce qui va (ou ne va pas) se passer

Immigration bill: Theresa May defends plans to create 'hostile environment', Theresa May

Mother Teresa - Wikipedia

Theresa May was a disaster as Prime Minister

Theresa May says she regrets using term 'hostile environment', Theresa May

Theresa May's Impossible Choice

Brexit: Theresa May démissionne

Feel no pity for Theresa May. She has been the worst prime minister in modern times, Owen Jones

Theresa May's Impossible Choice

Theresa May was a disaster as Prime Minister

La dissolution de Theresa May : Un Tchernobyl politique, juge Gérard Errera, ancien ambassadeur à Londres