

Soupe au pistou - David Lebovitz

Soupe au pistou - David Lebovitz

One of the great French dishes that I make every summer, when I gather fresh vegetables and basil at my market, is Soupe au pistou. Originally from Provence, the soup is meant to use the lovely vegetables of the season, and is crowned with a spoonful of pistou in the middle of each bowl, which guests are encouraged to swirl in themselves. Being French, of course, there is

Soupe au pistou - David Lebovitz

vegetable soup au pistou

Soupe au pistou - David Lebovitz

Soupe au pistou (French Summer Vegetable Soup) - Food Nouveau

Dinner in French: My Recipes by Way of France: A Cookbook: Clark

Soup - French Revolution

Soupe au pistou - David Lebovitz

Split Pea Soup - David Lebovitz

France, Sue's Recipes and Other Stories

Soupe paysanne The Everyday French Chef

My Paris Kitchen: Recipes and Stories

Soupe au Pistou - Provence Calling

Vegetable Soup with Basil Puree: Best in Class #Soup - Ever Open Sauce

Warm Up With a Bowl of Provençal Soupe au Pistou! - Paris Perfect