

Seat Belt Safety 2022 Facts & Statistics

Seat Belt Safety 2022 Facts & Statistics

Of the more than 37,000 people who lost their lives in 2017 motor vehicle crashes, almost half were not wearing seat belts as advised. That year, an estimated 2,549 drivers could have found their way home to their loved ones had they buckled up.
Though they date back to the 1800s, seat belts were used by just 10% of Americans as recently as 1980. However, general education and awareness have improved over the years, and recent polling by the National []

Seat belts

Seat Belt Safety - Buckle Up - NC Vision Zero

Car Seat Safety Stats: Car Crashes - The #1 Killer Of Children

Seat Belts Save Lives - Buckle Up - Zero Deaths MD

Child Passenger Safety, Transportation Safety, Injury Center

2022 Seat Belt Statistics: NHTSA Estimates 91.6% Seat Belt Usage

CMV Seat Belt Campaign


Car Seat Safety DPS – Highway Safety

Baby Car Seat Market Share, Size & Forecast Report, 2023-2032

Seat Belt Safety CONNECT auto insurance