

Pro and Con: International Drone Strikes

Pro and Con: International Drone Strikes

Some argue that drones strikes help prevent “boots on the ground” combat and makes America safer, that the strikes are legal under American and international law, and that they are carried out with the support of Americans and foreign governments, while others argue that drone strikes kill civilians, creating more terrorists than they kill and sowing animosity in foreign countries, that the strikes are extrajudicial and illegal, and create a dangerous disconnect between the horrors of war and soldiers carrying out the strikes.

World of Drones: Who Has What: Countries with Armed Drones

Once Again: Drone Killings and International Law - Opinio Juris

Drone Strikes

Drone Strikes Abroad - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org

US: Russian fighter jet knocks American drone out of sky over Black Sea

Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies

White House defends legality of drone attacks, News

Why Barack Obama ramped up drone strikes from George W. Bush Institute of International Relations Prague - Expertise to impact

We Need Arms Control on Drones

History of U.S. Drone Strikes Abroad - ProCon.org

Raw Footage of Lethal Aug. 29 Kabul Drone Strike - The New York Times