

My “E = MCS” Swing From 2017 DTL (Drv & 7i)

My “E = MCS” Swing From 2017 DTL (Drv & 7i)

Over The Top Trouble-Shooting

Jack Nicklaus + Patty Sheehan = Awesome Setups

Leverage, WAX Golf

Jack Nicklaus + Patty Sheehan = Awesome Setups

Over The Top Trouble-Shooting

Down & Through, That Is The Purpose

Mike Dunaway

My “E = MCS” Swing From 2017 DTL (Drv & 7i)

Swing Trigger

Holy Cow – Patty Sheehan IS My MCS Classic Golf Swing Model

Down & Through, That Is The Purpose

Down & Through, That Is The Purpose

Driver WAX Golf

Over The Top Trouble-Shooting