

A 3.8-Million-Year-Old Skull Puts a New Face on a Little-Known

A 3.8-Million-Year-Old Skull Puts a New Face on a Little-Known

The cranium of a male Australopithecus anamensis, a close relative of Lucy, provides clues about one of the earliest hominins to walk on two legs

Skull of 3.8-million-year-old early human discovered in Ethiopia

A 3.8-Million-Year-Old Skull Puts a New Face on a Little-Known

Skull of 3.8-million-year-old early human discovered in Ethiopia

The finding of the oldest human skull changes evolution science

A 3.8-Million-Year-Old Skull Puts a New Face on a Little-Known

A 3.8-Million-Year-Old Skull Puts a New Face on a Little-Known

3.8-million-year-old skull in Ethiopia an evolution game-changer

Skull of 3.8-million-year-old early human discovered in Ethiopia

New Australopithecus anamensis skull from 3.8 million years ago

Skull find of humans' oldest-known ancestor may alter

A Cranium Discovered by Cleveland Researchers Puts a Face on an