

PsBattle: Man holding a bamboo sniper : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man holding a bamboo sniper : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: This guy holding his baby : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man holding scarf at Platform 9 & 3/4 : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: These two mannequin arms on the floor : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: This man chasing a bear with a bat : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: A man carrying bricks : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: This bagpipe player : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man holding a vulture : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man rolling over dirt : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man holding big gun : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: A squirrel holding out its arms : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Man holding big gun : r/photoshopbattles

PsBattle: Guy with long arms : r/photoshopbattles