

European Institute of Membranes of Montpellier/France

European Institute of Membranes of Montpellier/France


European Membrane Institute (IEM) - University of Montpellier

Syreina AL SAYEGH - Research Engineer - European Institute of Membranes of Montpellier/France

Session dedicated to HORIZON-2020-MSCA-RISE project 690853 «Asymmetry of biological membrane: theoretical, experimental and applied aspects» ( assymcurv ), 5th International Conference Nanobiophysics-2017

Geoffroy LESAGE – Institut Européen des Membranes

Postdoc Computational exploration of the gas separation performances of MOFs and their related membranes, University of Montpellier, France — LASERLAB-EUROPE

The master EM3E-4SW

Carbon-Ukraine - ActiveU

Sharath Jayakumar - Doctoral Researcher - European Institute of Membranes of Montpellier/France

Membranes, Free Full-Text

Partenariat entre Veolia Water Technologies et l'IEM pour l'accès à l'eau

Dr. Geoffroy LESAGE – European Institute for Membranes

Dr. Céline POCHAT-BOHATIER – European Institute for Membranes