

InVivoMAb anti-rat IgG2a

InVivoMAb anti-rat IgG2a

This antibody has not been preabsorbed, and therefore may cross-react with IgG2a from other species., For FACS analysis, use 50 µL of the suggested

Goat anti-Rat IgG2a Secondary Antibody, FITC

Mouse anti-mouse mAbs

Anti-IgG2a Antibody Products

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In vivoグレード抗体 岩井化学薬品株式会社

Ichorbio in vivo Antibody, cheaper alternative

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Bio X Cell - Blog


Mouse anti-Rat IgG2a, PE (12-4817-82)

Rat IgG2a kappa Isotype Control (14-4321-82)

BioXCell Korea] InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIGIT, 연구용제품 > Bio마켓