

Fund Performance Advanced Methods: PME & Direct Alpha

Fund Performance Advanced Methods: PME & Direct Alpha

In this post, I will delve deeper into public market equivalents including the direct alpha method of assessing the fund performance.

White paper – Public benchmarking of private equity: quantifying the shortness issue of PME

Full article: Varieties of funds and performance: the case of private equity

AIF Evaluation Primer

ARM Performance Metrics

Fund Performance Advanced Methods: PME & Direct Alpha

Private i Best Practices: Understanding Public Market Comparison Methodologies — Burgiss

Advanced Fund Performance Methods: PME and Direct Alpha

Understanding VPAC receptor family peptide binding and selectivity

Hedge fund alpha is negative and declining

Evaluating Private Equity Performance: PME vs. Direct Alpha

Direct-Space Corrections Enable Fast and Accurate Lorentz–Berthelot Combination Rule Lennard-Jones Lattice Summation