

Fructose is Fructose is Fructose American Council on Science and Health

Fructose is Fructose is Fructose  American Council on Science and Health

“Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose,” wrote Gertrude Stein. Others often quote this as a statement of identity. Likewise, in algebra, the law of identity is the equation ‘a = a’. What is true in botanical and mathematical terms also applies to chemistry. Whether extracted from corn or honey created by bees, glucose is glucose, and fructose is fructose.

Diet-dependent gene expression in honey bees: honey vs. sucrose or

Do fructose-containing sugars lead to adverse health consequences

Intestinal fructose absorption: Modulation and relation to human

Both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup linked to increased

We know too much sugar is bad for us, but do different sugars have

Fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sucrose and Health (Nutrition

Fructose in obesity and cognitive decline: is it the fructose or

Fructose Intake: Metabolism and Role in Diseases

Glucose or fructose: a new study about the impact of sugar on