

The history of the Commodore 64 written by ChatGPT - Amedeo Valoroso

The history of the Commodore 64 written by ChatGPT - Amedeo Valoroso

L'intelligenza artificiale ChatGPT di OpenAI è in grado di scrivere un articolo intero, descrivendo la storia del Commodore 64?

The history of the Commodore 64 written by ChatGPT - Amedeo Valoroso

Commodore 1350 Mouse for Commodore 64 - Amedeo Valoroso

Commodore 16 Repair - Amedeo Valoroso

Commodore 16 Repair - Amedeo Valoroso

Mechanical arm controlled by C64 - Amedeo Valoroso

TapeCart SD for Commodore 64 - Amedeo Valoroso

Datel Action Replay 1988, the video of the test - Amedeo Valoroso

Programming in Basic # 5, Rnd Int Timer - Amedeo Valoroso

How to clean 3.5-inch floppies - Amedeo Valoroso

The history of the Commodore 64 written by ChatGPT - Amedeo Valoroso