

The Poppy Belongs to Palestinians Too, by Kitanya Harrison

The Poppy Belongs to Palestinians Too, by Kitanya Harrison

At 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918, the Armistice ending the fighting of the First World War began. The truce was followed by intense negotiations over what peace would look like following "the war to…
At 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918, the Armistice ending the fighting of the First World War began. The truce was followed by intense negotiations over what peace would look like following the war to…

Trust That Your Ships Will Come In, by Kitanya Harrison

TFW There Are Too Many Fascist Balls in the Air

Grieving What Never Happened. Over the past couple of weeks I've

A Narcissist's Apologies are False Concessions

Is Elon Musk OK?. I wouldn't be surprised if one day in…

The People of Amalek in the Economy of Moloch

Movie Recommendation: Melancholia, by Kitanya Harrison

You Need an Escape Plan if You Aren't White in America

When Children Expect to Die. The Shaming of America

When Children Expect to Die. The Shaming of America

Coming Together While Remaining Individuals

No, We're Not All Capitalists. “We're all capitalists.” It's a

Thanks so much for reading! - Kitanya Harrison - Medium

On the Pressure to Have an Opinion About Everything (and How it's

A Grim Fairy Tale. Why I'm Not Watching the Royal Wedding